贡菜,又名苔干,是莴苣中的一个稀有独特的地方品种。清朝乾隆年间曾上贡朝庭,故名贡菜。它是以肉质根为原料,经加工晾晒而成的干菜。因其绿如翡翠,质地爽口,有“绿色海蜇”之美称。其营养丰富.含有人体所必需的17种氨基酸和维生素及10多种矿物质。 1997年,我市贡菜生产总面积已达5336公顷.总产量5万kg,产品远销全国各地及日、美和东南亚等国。 一、贡菜对环境条件的要求 贡菜喜凉怕热,生长造温15-20℃,超过25℃,生长虽快,但产量低.品质差。贡莱对水分要求严格.从播种到收获,除8-10天的蹲苗期外,都要供水充足。以沙壤土为好,其它土质也可生长。多施有机肥、磷肥和氮肥。 二、贡菜栽培技术 (一)育苗(1)整地筑畦。施足底肥,每亩苗床施磷肥100kg、尿素8kg,不可多施氮肥。育苗畦宽
Gong dishes, also known as dry moss, is a rare and unique local variety in lettuce. During the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong tribute court, named Gong dishes. It is based on the fleshy root as raw material, dried by processing dried vegetables. Because of its green jade, texture refreshing, a “green jellyfish” reputation. Rich in nutrition, contains 17 kinds of amino acids and vitamins and 10 kinds of minerals necessary for human body. In 1997, the total area of our Gonggong production reached 5336 hectares with a total output of 50,000 kg, the products are exported to all parts of the country and Japan, the United States and Southeast Asia. First, the tribute to the environmental conditions Gongko like cold afraid of heat, growth temperature 15-20 ℃, more than 25 ℃, growth is fast, but the yield is low. Poor quality. Gong Lai strict moisture requirements from sowing to harvest, except for 8-10 days of squatting seedlings, should be adequate water supply. To sandy loam as well, other soil can grow. Apply more organic fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer. Second, tribute cultivation techniques (a) nursery (1) soil preparation building 畦. Shi sufficient enough fertilizer per acre seedbed phosphate fertilizer 100kg, urea 8kg, not more nitrogen fertilizer. Nursery 畦 wide