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我矿早在80年代就曾认真地开展过安全生产标准化班组达标活动,但未能持久地坚持下来。自1994年学习兰州白银公司安全生产标准化建设经验,重新开展安全生产标准化班组达标活动以来,全矿的生产班组中,选矿厂的20个、机械厂的16个、炸药加工厂的4个班组全部达标,坑口井下也有8个班组达标,并被授予“安全生产标准化班组”称号。通过这项活动的深入开展,大大改善了生产现场的作业环境,职工的安全生产意识获得了强化和提高,职工的安全生产素质和技能得到了较大的提高,二级单位的安全生产管理基础工作得到了加强和巩固。我矿已被省政府评为1995~1996年度安全生产先进单位。 1 对操作标准化的要求 (1)班组每个成员要熟记本岗位的安全操作规程、操作程序和动作标准,并严格执行,无违章违制行为;按各自岗位的要求定期保养好设备,有规范的设备运转记录、保养记录和交接班记录;做到上标准岗、干标准活,严格按操作标准化作业。 (2)正确使用穿戴好个体劳动防护用品,携带好处理问题的工具,有权拒绝使用不合格的工具和劳保用品。做到个人无违章、岗位无隐患、班组无事故。 As early as in the 1980s, mine had seriously carried out the standards-based safety production team training activities, but failed to persevere. Since 1994, Lanzhou Silver Institute of Standardization of production safety learning experience, re-launch standard production safety team standardized activities since the entire production team in the mine, 20 ore processing plant, machinery plant 16, four explosives processing plant team Standard, pit underground pit also has eight standards, and was awarded the “safe production standardization team” title. Through further development of this activity, the operating environment at the production site has been greatly improved. The awareness of employees’ safety awareness has been strengthened and enhanced. The quality and skills of staff and workers in safety production have been greatly improved. The basis for safety management of secondary units Work has been strengthened and consolidated. I mine has been the provincial government as 1995-1996 advanced unit of production safety. 1 standardize the operation of the requirements (1) each member of the team to memorize the position of the safe operating procedures, operating procedures and standards of operation, and strictly enforced, without violation of laws and regulations; according to the requirements of their positions regularly maintain the equipment, there are Standardized equipment operation records, maintenance records and handing over records; to do on the standard Kong, dry standard live, operating strictly in accordance with standardization operations. (2) the proper use of wear personal protective labor supplies, carrying a good tool to deal with the problem, the right to refuse to use unqualified tools and labor supplies. No personal violation, post no hidden dangers, team no accident.
社会的转型使宗教生存的环境发生了巨大的变化 ,宗教信仰群体亦处在震荡、分化、重组的演变过程中。文章依据一定量的调研材料 ,就信教人群的几个基本类型进行分析 ,对转型期
第六届亚太小儿泌尿会议(The 6th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Association of Paediatric Urologists, APAPU) 暨第一届海峡两岸小儿泌尿外科学术研讨会于2004年11月19~21日在台北国际会议中心召开.来自全国各地的12位代表在中华小儿外科杂志编辑部武小琳主任的带领下参加了上述学术会议.陈方教授和文建国教授分别参与了
剧情: 一条荒凉的公路上,戴维驾着半新不旧的小车急速行驶。这时,他发现前方有一辆庞大的装油车不紧不慢地开着。 装油车烟囱里冒着黑烟,黑烟钻进戴维的驾驶室,熏得他直想咳