认识新变化 增强针对性

来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxd19811219
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在发展社会主义市场经济的新的历史条件下,企业思想政治工作面临着领导体制、工作重心、利益格局、分配关系、思想观念等诸多方面的变化。思想政治工作应当充分认识这些新变化以及变化带来的新特点,把握好教育内容的“变”与“不变”,以使思想政治工作富有针对性、实效性。 市场经济的运行,逐渐产生了利益主体的多元分层和利益关系的犬牙交错。在这样的环境下,企业之间、企业内部各二级法人之间,乃至广大职工的现实价值追求也随之出现多元取向、多元实现的状况。其引发出的思想问题,是各不相同的。这就要求我们在开展工作的时候,一定要注意针对不同的利 Under the new historical conditions of developing the socialist market economy, ideological and political work in enterprises is facing many changes in the leadership system, the center of gravity of work, the pattern of interests, the distribution relations, and the ideological concepts. Ideological and political work should fully recognize these new changes and the new features brought about by the changes and grasp the “change” and “changelessness” of the educational contents so as to make the ideological and political work more pertinent and effective. The operation of the market economy has gradually resulted in a staggering number of stratification and interest relations of stakeholders. In such an environment, the pursuit of the realistic value of enterprises, the second-level legal persons within enterprises, and even the vast numbers of workers also follows a pluralistic and pluralistic status. The questions of thought that it elicits are different. This requires us to pay attention to different benefits when carrying out our work
福建身居沿海,交通、经济都够发达,但在IT建设方面还需要“拿来主义”。 Although Fujian lives in the coastal areas, its transportation and economy are well-develope