深化人事制度改革 全面提高教师素质——市教育局召开人事工作会议

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1990年是治理整顿、深化改革关键的一年。为认真贯彻党的十三届五中、六中全会和市委五届五次全体(扩大)会议精神,市教育局前不久召开了人事工作会议。会上部署了市教育局1990年人事工作计划要点,力争三年基本解决市内六区中学教师超编的意见和中小学实行定编定员、调整师资队伍试点工作计划;会议发了《市中小学教师素养规范》和《市中小学教师职务任聘管理办法》等文件的征求意见稿;会议还就师范院校改革招生办法,继续实行按需定向招生、培养、分配的问题,要求各区(县)教育局在深入调查研究的基础上,提出分地区、学段、学科、年度所需师范院校毕业生 The year 1990 was a crucial year for rectifying and deepening reforms. In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 5th All-encompassing (enlarged) meeting of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee, the 6th Plenary Session of the Party Committee, and the 5th Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Education Bureau recently held a personnel work conference. At the meeting, the Municipal Education Bureau’s 1990 Personnel Work Plan points were deployed to strive to basically resolve the over-compiled opinions of teachers in the six-district middle school in the city and the implementation of the pilot program for adjusting the number of teachers and teachers in primary and secondary schools; the meeting issued “Primary and Secondary School Teachers Guidelines for Quality Literacy and the Administrative Measures for the Appointment of Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools, etc.; The meeting also continued the practice of recruiting, cultivating, and distributing on-demand education for the reform of recruitment policies for normal colleges and universities, and asked all districts (counties). On the basis of in-depth investigation and study, the Bureau of Education proposes graduates from teachers’ colleges and universities that need to be divided into regions, sections, subjects, and the year.
为了探索简便易行,提高长时间远距离运输蟹苗成活率的方法,今年六月十九日,我们在老坝港收购天然蟹苗,进行了氧气袋装运试验,10小时后,成活率达到95%。具体方法如下: In ord