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   Most houses or apartments aren’t perfect. This is a story about a reallybad one. Two words are especially interesting. “Jiggle”means a very smalland quick shaking, like when you’re trying to make the toilet stop flushing1 oropen a sticky lock with a key that won’t turn. People often jiggle knobs2, and mystomach jiggles when I laugh. But, you shake, not jiggle, most things. “Linger”means to stay late when it should go. Smells linger, like a woman’s perfumeafter she leaves the room. Tastes (like garlic) and memories can linger, andparty guests when it’s late and you want to go to bed!
It happened in my junior high school. I was then inClass5, Grade 2. One day, my English teacher told methat she was going to be out1 the next day for a meetingand asked me to give a lesson to her clas
If there were a prize for the number of names for the same sandwich,the po’ boy would probably win. It has been called a hoagie, a grinder, ahero, a submarine, and a torpedo, among others.1
If you’ve been checking out the fitness scene lately, you’ve probablyheard the buzz on Pilates.2 Although it sounds like one of those $5coffee drinks they sell at Starbucks, it is in fact a highly sop
前情提要:  在上集中,Sang战胜了凶悍的异龙,Brian解答出了石像的拼字难题,而Jaron也巧妙地解开了烈火的谜语,三个小伙伴互相帮助,战胜了各自面临的难题,在迷宫中继续前进……
Iwas 12 and Iwatched my fathercarefully as he rowed on thetranouil lake. It was late summer,August, the buzzing wings ofdragonflies snapped1 past us. I pulledback2 and rocked the small canoe.Dad turne
If the Hollywood image of Casablanca is important to you, preparefor a shock from Casablanca. The city is further away from Orientalromanticism than any other in Morocco, and Casablanca is a moderncit
As far back as 850 A.D. it is said that a lonely sheep herder and his charge stumbled acrossa strange and mysterious berry growing on a secluded and forgotten hillside1. Before hecould stop them, some