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今年国庆节前夕,全国大中型水泥厂为了向国庆节献礼,鼓足了冲天的干劲,放了一颗日产三万一千二百五十吨的高产卫星.这是一件大喜事,是值得我们所有水泥工业的同志们庆幸和鼓舞的.几年来全国各大中型水泥厂在日产量方面有了很大的提高,但最高的记录也不过两万七千多吨,突破三万吨这还是第一次.这充分可以说明,各水泥厂的全体职工,在党的总路线的光辉照耀下,鼓足干劲,力争上游的跃进思想,获得了进一步的表现.同时也说明了,经过整风运动、反右派斗争之后,职工群众政治觉悟的空前提高.显然地,没有敢想敢干的精神,打不破种种迷信的束缚,在原有设备上,突破已往的最高纪录,在短短廿四小时之内, On the eve of the National Day of this year, large and medium-sized cement factories in the country, in order to offer their gift to the National Day, drew a brilliant drive and put a high-yield satellite with a production capacity of 31,225 tons per day All of our comrades in the cement industry are thankful and encouraged. In recent years, the production of various large and medium sized cement plants in the country has greatly improved in terms of daily output, but the highest record is only 27,000 tons and 30,000 tons, which is still For the first time, this fully shows that all the workers and staff of all cement factories got a fuller performance under the brilliant shining of the party’s general line, striving for a leap forward in the upper reaches, and also demonstrated that after the rectification campaign, After the struggle between the rightists and the masses, the political consciousness of the workers and masses has been on an unprecedented rise. Obviously, without daring to think about it, we can not break the fetters of superstition, break through the highest record in the previous equipment, and in just 24 hours,
A copper-doped silica composite aerogel with high specific surface area was prepared using a sol-gel method at ambient pressure. A drying control chemical addit
美国总統 艾森豪威尔先生閣下总統先生: 我收到了您9月12日的信并且研究了它。我感到失望的是,我觉得,您沒有明白我給您的信的实質。这封信的实質是要指明,如果美國不放弃它
两位葡萄牙业余古生物学家Oratio Mateus和Isabel Mateus在首都里斯本以北60公里的海边城市Lourinha建立了一座小型恐龙博物馆。几十年来,该地以富含1.4亿年前侏罗纪化石而