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针对目前板形分析机理模型计算速度慢、稳定性差的缺点,提出了板形高效预报模型、板形高效设定模型。以此为基础,开发了一套冷轧带钢板形高效分析软件,对目前常见的各种冷带钢四、六辊轧机均具有板形分析与设定计算功能,软件的主要特色是在不降低模型精度的前提下显著提高计算速度和稳定性。通过实例分析,表明软件计算结果可靠,常见的五机架冷连轧机完成一次板形预报或者板形设定的时间均小于1 s。本软件可用于轧机设计与选型、辊型优化设计,其核心代码可直接用于板形在线设定。 Aiming at the shortcomings of slow calculation speed and poor stability of the plate analysis mechanism model, a high efficiency plate prediction model and a high efficiency plate setting model are proposed. Based on this, a set of high-efficiency cold-rolled strip steel analysis software has been developed, which has the function of plate shape analysis and setting calculation for the common cold rolling steel four-roll and six-roll rolling mills. The main characteristic of the software is that, Reduce the accuracy of the model under the premise of significantly improve the calculation speed and stability. Through the example analysis, the result of the software calculation is reliable. The common five-frame tandem cold rolling mill has less than 1 s to complete a plate shape prediction or plate shape setting. The software can be used for mill design and selection, roller design optimization, the core code can be directly used to set the shape online.
MANDELBROT enunciated the uncertainty of the length of a coastline in his paper“How long is the coastline of Britain?”published in “Science” in 1967. The fr
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Water masses in the South China Sea (SCS) were identified and analyzed with the data collected in the summer and winter of 1998. The distributions of temperatur
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