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华尔街,金钱永不眠。北美时间2011年5月4日上午,华尔街11号著名的纽约证券交易所,早早地在大楼外墙挂出了蓝白色的旗帜和横幅,那上面的“人人网”中英文标志显得格外鲜明。9点30分,人人网CEO陈一舟郑重地敲响了纽交所5月4日的上市钟,此起彼伏的掌声响彻整个交易大厅。人人网股价当日报收于18.01美元,较发行价上涨28.64%。按照首日收盘价计算,人人网的市值超过70亿美元,蹿升为仅次于腾讯、百度、阿里巴巴、新浪的中国互联网公司。不过,这点涨幅相对于优酷网来说,实在是小巫见大巫。去年12月8日,优酷网CEO古永锵同样敲响了纽交所当日的开市钟,优酷网股价首日大涨161.25%,创下美国近五年来上市首日涨幅之最,整个华尔街为之沸腾。看见一到大洋彼岸就身价暴涨的古永锵和陈一舟,在大洋此岸的同行们也摩拳擦掌,准备登陆美国。据悉,网秦、世纪佳缘、凤凰网、土豆网、淘米网、迅雷等众多中国互联网企业已经或计划在今年5月赴美上市,算上去年10月登陆纳斯达克的麦考林、与优酷网同天上市的当当网、今年3月惊艳纽交所的奇虎360等企业,不少人都在感慨:中国互联网企业不是已经在美国上市,就是正在去美国上市的路上。然而,遥想十几年前的中国,没几个人知道互联网为何物,那时管这个“新生事物”叫做因特网,“因你们而特别的网”——当时的广告很给力。而今,中国的互联网企业正在引领最新一次的上市潮流,甚至引发是否是第二次互联网泡沫征兆的全民大讨论。短短十几年间,互联网在中国从无到有、进而轰动世界,一路狂飙,也曾大起大落。 Wall Street, money never sleeps. North American Time On the morning of May 4, 2011, the prestigious New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street 11, early in the building wall hung blue and white flags and banners, that the above “Renren” signs in English and Chinese Particularly distinctive. 9:30, Ren Ren CEO Chen a solemnly sounded the NYSE listing bell on May 4, one after another applause rang throughout the trading floor. Renren shares closed at 18.01 U.S. dollars that day, higher than the issue price by 28.64%. According to the first day closing price, Renren’s market value of more than 70 billion US dollars, was promoted to second only to Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Sina’s Chinese Internet company. However, this point of increase relative to Youku, it is trivial. December 8 last year, Youku CEO Koo also similarly sounded the opening bell on the NYSE day, Youku shares rose 161.25% the first day, setting the United States the first day of the first five days of the most gains, the entire Wall Street boiling. When I saw one of Koo Koo and Chen Yizhou, who went sky-high on the other side of the ocean, my colleagues on the other side of the ocean were gearing up for the United States. It is reported that many Chinese Internet companies such as NetQin, Century Jiayuan, Fenghuang Wang, Tudou, Taomi, Thunder and others have planned or planned to go public in the United States in May this year. Counting McCallin on the NASDAQ in October last year, Network Dangdang the same day listing in March this year, surprising the NYSE Qihoo 360 and other companies, many people are feeling: China’s Internet companies are not already listed in the United States, is the way to the United States is listed. However, a few years ago in China, few people knew about the Internet, when the tube was called the “new thing” called the Internet, “and because of your special network,” advertising was very powerful. Today, Internet companies in China are leading the latest wave of public offerings and even sparking a national debate on whether the second Internet bubble signs up. In just a dozen years, the Internet has grown from nothing in China to a sensation in the world.
据“Defense materiel”杂志1983年第4期报导,英国宇航公司开始研究能满足未来垂直发射和发射后不管导弹的要求的制导技术。象美国的AMRAAM导弹一样,这种导弹需要中段制导,
内容仍然是互联网媒体发展的制胜因素,同时,产业链的博弈也会影响发展的方向。中国移动媒体将会成为主流。根据中国互联网发展的规律,最新的商业成功往往来自于 Content is
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