Crystallization Temperature and Crystallization Ratio of Mold Flux

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wpqh918
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The factors influencing the crystallization ratio of mold flux were researched by rapid cooling technology, and the factors affecting crystallization temperature were studied by single thermocouple technique. The results showed that the crystallization ratio of mold flux increases with the basicity and the content of Na_2O, CaF_2, Li_2O and NaF, and decreases with the increase of the content of Al_2O_3, MgO, BaO, MnO and B_2O_3. However, the crystallization temperature of mold flux rises with the basicity and the content of NaF, Na_2O and CaF_2, and reduces with the increase of the content of Al_2O_3, MgO, BaO, MnO and B_2O_3. But for Li_2O, crystallization temperature decreases firstly to a minimum value at 2%, and then increases gradually with the increase of Li_2O. The factors influencing the crystallization ratio of mold flux were researched by rapid cooling technology, and the factors affecting crystallization temperature were studied by single thermocouple technique. The results showed that the crystallization ratio of mold flux increases with the basicity and the content of Na 2 O, CaF 2 , Li 2 O and NaF, and decreases with the increase of the content of Al 2 O 3, MgO, BaO, MnO and B 2 O 3. However, the crystallization temperature of mold flux rises with the basicity and the content of NaF, Na 2 O and CaF 2, and reduces with the increase of the content of Al 2 O 3, MgO, BaO, MnO and B 2 O 3. But for Li 2 O, crystallization temperature decreases to a minimum value at 2%, and then increases gradually with the increase of Li 2 O.
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