Another Smoking Hazard

来源 :英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marsxiaozhu
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There should be another warning placed on cigarette packs—“Smoking may be harmful in trying to get a good seat in a restau-rant.” There should be another warning placed on cigarette packs - “Smoking may be harmful in trying to get a good seat in a restau-rant. ”
一 主谓词组具有一定的语调,独立起来,就是一个句子,古代汉语、现代汉语都是这样。但是,在古汉语里也有相当多的主谓词组并不独立成句,包含在一个句子里,象一个词一样作句子
A teenager filling out an application for his first summer jobas a factory worker was greatly perplexed at one question:“Per-son to notify in case of accident
It was our last gathering that evening before our gradua-tion day.The evening was cool and still.We could almostsmell the dew in the still air.The yellowish st
It is the opinion of my grandmother.God bless her,that allmen should labour,and at the table,a moment ago.she said tome:You must learn to do some good work,the
1990年3月7日,在美国的一个小镇上诞生了一对联体女婴。六年过去了,她们的生活怎么样了?她们的将来又会是怎样? On March 7, 1990, a twin baby girl was born in a small t
1.Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow it. Are you a man or amouse? When people ask thisquestion they want to know ifyou think you are a