美国勘探地球物理学家协会(SEG)第51届国际会议与展览于1981年10月12日至15日在美国洛杉矶的会议中心举行。大会主席菲利波恩(Walter R.Fllippone)的开幕辞中继续提出“地球物理学家:探索地球与空间的新领域”为年会的口号。会议中提交的论文共计314篇。会前举办了有关海洋和地震勘探偏移技术的专题讲座。会议期间举办了称之为“世界最大规模的勘探仪器展览会”,309家石油公司和厂商展销了各种地球物理勘探仪器。以刘光鼎为团
The 51st International Conference and Exhibition of the American Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) was held at the Convention Center in Los Angeles from October 12 to October 15, 1981. General Assembly President Walter R.Fllippone’s opening address continued his presentation of “Geophysicist: Exploring new areas of Earth and space” as the slogan for the conference. The conference submitted a total of 314 papers. Pre-conference seminars on marine and seismic migration migration techniques. During the conference called “the world’s largest exploration equipment exhibition”, 309 oil companies and manufacturers exhibited a variety of geophysical exploration instruments. To Liu Guangding as a group