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运用PCR方法,从野生型钝齿棒杆菌株(Corynebacterium crenatum)AS1.542及具有AEC抗性的突变株CD945染色体上分别扩增出天冬氨酸激酶(AK)基因(ask),构建了重组质粒.核苷酸序列
采用Pool 16以及按20%的录选比例, 用全姊妹交轮回选择方法对群体根系电容进行双向选择筛选出的4个世代的种子, 分别在干旱、氮胁迫和正常环境下进行了评定. 在高根系电容(壮
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Interaction between proteins, cells and biomaterial surfaces is commonly observed and often used to measure biocompatibility of biomaterials.In this investigati
Although the native state and the fully unfolded state of proteins have been extensively studied, the folding pathway and intermediates in the protein folding p
This paper presents the purification of a monoclonal IgM antibody against human tumor associated antigen Lewis-Y by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtrati