Dynamic fragments awareness based virtual network mapping strategy of elastic optical networks

来源 :OptoelectronicsLetters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fishsun26
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As virtual networks services emerge increasingly with higher diversification, the issue of spectrum fragments presents great challenge to the elastic optical networks (EON), especially under heaven services burdens. Aimed to solve this problem, this article proposes a dynamic fragments awareness based virtual network mapping (DFA-VNM) strategy of elastic optical network. In this proposed approach, the dynamic fragments awareness model of it is established, which takes available bandwidth demand and spectrum fragment degree into consideration. Moreover, the dynamic fragments awareness based virtual network mapping strategy makes full advantage of real-time fragments awareness result to conduct virtual network service mapping operation with less fragments and lower blocking rate. Testing results show that the proposed approach is able to improved services supporting ability of EON.
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描述激光泵浦双波长同时运转的可调谐染料激光器。使用R6G、R6G R640和R6G LD473混合染料,适当地选择分束器和带有布儒斯特棱镜组预扩束器的掠射光栅腔,可获得较宽的调谐区、低的放大的自发辐射背景,峰值功率可达40千瓦,输出线宽
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