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双棚霜期增温育苗,则是黑龙江省烤烟生产栽培技术的关键环节。采用双棚薄膜离地床和一整套保温措施,具有显著的增温效果和良好的保温作用,能够获得热量,增加苗床有效积温。在棚内小面积上,实行营养土合理配比和纸筒钵假植等技术进行精细管理,充分满足烟苗生长发育的条件,实现了霜期育成壮苗。一、试验处理及方法(一)苗床形式1、木制苗床(盘):地上床[D]、离地30cm 床[E],母床床身结构是底装10cm碎草上加5cm 粗砂,再加8cm 营养土;子床除
烟草黑胫病Phytophthora Parasitica Var.nicotianae是一种地方性病原,它对主要的白肋烟产区发生危害。主要依靠有抗病力的白肋烟栽培品种去减少损失,但是可利用的栽培品种只
<正> 博山区位于淄博市南部,地处鲁中山区北部,东靠临朐县,南与沂源县相邻,西与莱芜市接壤,北与淄川区相连。境内东部、南部、西部为中低山,中部为低山丘陵和山间河谷,北部为
The process of involution will work well if uterus contraction is strong, so a treatment can be done to improve uterus contraction. Postpartum exercise can make
Background: The status of inquisition by the nursing students shall be determined as it will be utilized as a tool to measure their clinical performance experti
Background and Objectives: Views on living arrangement from elderly and informal caregivers are crucial to “ageing in place”. They might be related to the exp
Aim: To identify evidence in the literature on the significance of death conferences for nurses. Method: This is an integrative literature review, consisting of
Background: Nurses providing end-of-life care play an important role in providing support to both the patient and his/her family during one of their most diffic