,Investigation of autoionization spectra of Sm atoms using an isolated-core excitation method

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LEOBB_DB
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Using the isolated-core-excitation scheme and three-step laser resonance ionization spectroscopy approach, this paper, for the first time, has systematically investigated the autoionization spectra of atomic Sm, belonging to the 4f66pn/ and 4f55d6snl (l=0, 2) configurations. In the experiment, the first two tunable dye lasers are employed to excite the S atom from its initial state to the differcnt 4f66snl bound Rydberg states, then the third dye laser is scanned to drive the atom to the doubly-excited autoionizing states. With the above excitation scheme, the measured transition profiles of the autoionizing states are nearly symmetric, from which the level energies and widths can be easily obtained.
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