Love across Planets

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  Suddenly, the radio telescope FAST detected a series of bizarre electromagnetic waves from the outer space. A few hours later, a silvery-white UFO landed in the western desert.
  Joe entered a fast food restaurant, ordering a hamburger and a cup of coke. Meanwhile, a young girl with a tray full of food sat opposite him.
  “Hello, I’m Twinkle,” the girl smiled and asked, “I overheard the word WeChat Pay in your conversation. What on earth is it?”
  “How come you never heard of WeChat?” Joe seem surprised and glanced at the girl. “Well, WeChat is a popular APP that can be used for chatting, posting pictures or paying for bills.” Joe then clicked the APP in his phone and there appeared a picture of the Earth called “Blue Marble”, which was shot in 1972 by NASA. The girl stared at it, her eyes glittering with blue light. Joe introduced all the functions patiently to Twinkle and she mastered them quickly.
  They became WeChat friends and always chatted with each other via it from then on. Twinkle gained much knowledge about the scientific development in China, such as, online shopping, high speed railway, Alipay, the space exploration, etc.
  One day, Twinkle asked Joe whether human beings could communicate with aliens. Hearing the strange question, Joe was stunned for a moment, saying, “Well, you know, it is such a long distance that information reception will be the biggest obstacle.”
  Twinkle gave a mysterious smile and disappeared ever since.
  Seven months passing by, Joe still received no messages from Twinkle. He missed her much and clicked the WeChat again, hoping to find something. Suddenly, he noticed Twinkle’s avatar had been changed into a picture of the interstellar ocean. Joe felt familiar with the picture. He rushed to his study, searching for an answer in a pile of old books. Surprisingly, he found that the picture of Twinkle’s Avatar looked exactly the same as that of the Pegasus Star, which was shot decades before.
  Breaking News: Last September, the FAST detected the Pegasus Star which is 17 light years away from the Earth and after a year’s effort by the scientists, people from the two planets can use WeChat for communication at present.
  Joe folded his paper and froze, knowing that was exactly the time when he met Twinkle. He tried again to contact Twinkle through WeChat, only to find that her avatar had turned into another, in which appeared two planets and two people standing by each.
  He smiled and sank into deep thought.
食火鸡是世界上体型排行第三的大鸟,仅次于非洲鸵鸟和澳洲鸵鸟,它们生活在澳大利亚和新几内亚岛的森林深处,数量远远少于大熊猫,属于极度濒危动物。与鸵鸟的怯懦相比,食火鸡是当之无愧的勇猛斗士。  食火鸡脚上长有12厘米长、像匕首一样锋利的脚趾,在对付狗、猪等动物时,只需一击便可致命。因此,《吉尼斯世界纪录》在2007年将其列为“世界上最危险的鸟类”。    众所周知,非洲鸵鸟是世界上体型最大的鸟类,它的
前不久,刚搬进新家的我正在为清洁房间而发愁,因为我所在的城市灰尘比较多,虽然家里放了一些绿色植物,但是仍然避免不了灰尘的侵袭,所以我便准备选购一台吸尘器来辅助我家的日常清洁。不过,我个人对于吸尘器的概念一直是高端家庭的必备品,可是我有一颗爱玩的心,对新生事物总是忍不住要试试,所以在我的几番分析后便购得了这台科技感十足的戴森V6 Fluffy。  时尚的清洁工具  时尚的外观和高端科技之外,丰富的配
三个朋友历尽艰险爬上一座高山,见到传说中的神。三个人中,一个傻子、一个正常人、一个聪明人。神被三个人感动,决定帮他们每人实现一个愿望。   傻子试探着说,天太冷了,我想要一件羊皮袄。神挥一下手,他的身上就多了一件羊皮袄。傻子开心地笑了。不过很快他就开始后悔。他想,为什么不跟神要两件羊皮袄呢?   正常人想了很久,对神说,我想要一百万美金。神挥了挥手,他的手里就多出一张存单。他看了看存单,人就跳了起
“80后”农民工对城市充满了向往,他们的思维方式和行为方式以城市为坐标,更渴望以智力而不是体力在城市生存。他们很多甚至在城市里长大,已经不可能回到农村去了。    进城的第二代农民工    吴雪琴的父亲50多岁了,作为第一代农民工,他在浙江杭州打了23年工。2004年,无法继续劳作的他回到了老家。  他的女儿吴雪琴,为了供哥哥读大学,16岁初中毕业后来到杭州一家服装厂打工,迄今5年,换了4家工厂。
聆听企划师土屋智美的VAIO TT设计思路  “VAIO TT就像我自己的孩子一样。出生之前,非常忐忑不安不知道会生出什么样的孩子,但生出一个很漂亮的孩子之后,我又很高兴,所以在接下来的营销过程中当然也希望孩子能够茁壮成长。”  Sony VAIO TT笔记本电脑项目企划师 土屋智美    如果要送给你一款2008年上市的新款笔记本电脑,短暂了解一下市场之后,你会选择哪一台呢?我想选择Sony V
【摘要】本文以中国民航飞行学院飞行专业学生为例,从在校飞行学生的英语学习的意义及课程安排、学习过程中遇到的问题、解决的具体对策等方面来分析与探讨在校飞行学生的英语准备情况。  【关键词】飞行学生;英语;准备  【作者简介】周丹强玉,王晋,中国民航飞行学院外国语学院。  【基金项目】面上项目——中国民航飞行学员职业准备度调查研究(J2017-86)。  引言  随着科技的进步,时代的发展,中国的民用