加强水政水资源工作 促进水利事业发展

来源 :治淮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianxiangqiao
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1988年《水法》颁布实施以来,我省水政水资源工作以《水法》及其配套法规的宣传教育为先导,以建立水法体系、水管理体系和水利执法体系为中心,以适应机构改革和市场经济的发展为需要,积极探索,努力进取,创造性地开展工作。通过几年来的努力,我省的水利法制建设和水资源的统一管理已初见成效,水利的基础产业地位也得到了进一步的强化。 Since the promulgation and implementation of the “Water Law” in 1988, the work of water resources and water resources administration in our province has taken the publicity and education of “Water Law” and its supporting laws and regulations as the guide, with the establishment of the water law system, water management system and water law enforcement system as the center, Institutional reform and the development of market economy as the need to actively explore and strive to forge ahead and creative work. Through the efforts of several years, the unified legal system of water conservancy and the unified management of water resources in our province have achieved initial success, and the status of the basic industries of water conservancy has also been further strengthened.
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