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抗战胜利后,为了争取和平、民主,中国共产党同国民党进行了尖锐、激烈的斗争,迫使国民党接受了“和平建国”的方针,为人民争得了一个短暂的和平环境,使中国共产党赢得了广大人民的支持,为自卫战争的胜利准备了坚实的群众基础。王若飞在这一斗争中作出了重大贡献。 1 抗战胜利后,人民迫切要求和平、民主,以便休养生息,医治战争创伤,建立独立,自由富强的新中国,而以蒋介石为首的国民党反动派则妄图用武力从人民手中抢夺胜利果实。为了麻痹人民,准备内战,蒋介石不得不戴上和平的假面具,同共产党进行重庆谈判。 重庆谈判的焦点是解放区政权和人民军队问题。国民党代表按照蒋介石的授意,妄图取消解放区政权和人民军队,为此,我党同国民党进行了尖锐、激烈的斗争。 针对国民党代表对中共要求国民党承认解放区政权和人民军队是“蹈军阀时代覆辙,恃武装向中央要求地盘”的诬蔑,王若飞指出:“要解决国共两党问题,必须 After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, in order to strive for peace and democracy, the Chinese Communist Party held a sharp and fierce struggle with the Kuomintang, forcing the Kuomintang to accept the principle of “building a country by peaceful means” and won a temporary environment of peace for the people so that the CPC won the majority of the people , Prepared a solid mass foundation for the victory of the self-defense war. Wang Ruofei made a significant contribution in this struggle. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the people desperately demanded peace and democracy in order to recuperate, heal the wounds of war and establish an independent, free and strong New China. The Kuomintang reactionaries led by Chiang Kai-shek vainly attempted to use force to plunder the fruits of victory from the people. In order to paralyze the people and prepare for the civil war, Chiang Kai-shek had to put on the mask of peace and hold negotiations with the Communist Party in Chongqing. The focus of the talks in Chongqing is the issue of the regime and people’s army in the liberated areas. In accordance with Chiang Kai-shek’s intentions, the Kuomintang representatives vainly tried to abolish the regime and the people’s army in the liberated areas. To this end, our party conducted a sharp and fierce struggle against the Kuomintang. In response to the KMT’s request to the CPC that the Kuomintang demanded that the Kuomintang recognize that the regime and the people’s army in the liberated areas are “slandering the time when the warlords relied on armed demands of the central authorities,” Wang Ruofei pointed out: "To resolve the issue of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, we must
<正> 日本每隔两年举行一次全国滑雪技术示范者选拔大会,选出男二十名、女五名滑雪技术示范者。他们在日本滑雪界享有极高的荣誉。他们不但基础技术达到炉火纯青的地步,成为
<正> 黑龙江省是我国开展滑雪运动的主要省分之一,自然条件比较优越,场地设施较多,气候适宜。目前,黑龙江省有6处条件较好的滑雪场地(见图1)。现介绍于下: 青云滑雪场这是我