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目前,在我们的编辑队伍中,不同程度地存在着一股非编辑化倾向。所谓非编辑化,就是缺乏编辑主体意识,在经济利益驱动下,忘却了作为一名编辑的历史使命,没有能很好履行编辑职责,无论从策划书稿、组织选题,到编校加工,或急功近利,重利轻义,或投入不够,流于形式,造成了图书质量先天不足、后天营养不良的状况。 这种非编辑化倾向,突出表现为如下几个方面。 一是政治意识淡化。编辑要讲政治,这是我国社会主义出版事业的性质所决定的。但我们有些编辑,在经济利益的驱动下,缺乏应有的社会责任感和使命感。他们对选题的结构和取向,不是以社会效益为最高准则,而是以赢利作为最高标准。当选题或书稿的内容难以与社会效益成正比时,往往降低社会效益的标准。在那里,政治、文化导向被抛到了九霄云外。如有些编辑急功近利,挖空心思“打擦边球”,在国家政策法规的边缘走钢丝,他们搜奇猎艳,不惜把一些低级庸俗的带“刺激性”内容的图书也放出来,《中国能打赢下一次战争吗》,内容耸人听闻,世界为之哗然;《谁来承包中国》更是哗众取宠。《蒋介石秘录》为独夫民贼涂脂;《杜月笙传》为大汉奸抹粉。编辑的政治意识、大局意识和导向意识早被经济利益冲得无影无踪。 二是创新能力退化。图书出版贵在创新。 At present, there is a non-editorial tendency to varying degrees in our editorial team. The so-called non-editorialization is the lack of editorial awareness, driven by economic interests, forgot the historical mission as an editor, failed to perform its editorial duties well, no matter from planning a manuscript, organizing topics, editing and processing, or quick success , Heavy and light justice, or inadequate investment, a mere formality, resulting in an inadequate quality of books, acquired malnutrition. This non-editorial tendency highlights the following aspects. First, political awareness is faded. Editors should talk about politics, which is determined by the nature of China’s socialist publishing. However, some of our editors lack the due sense of social responsibility and mission driven by economic interests. Their structure and orientation of the topic are not based on social benefits as the highest standard, but on the basis of profit as the highest standard. When the content of the selected topic or manuscript is difficult to be directly proportional to the social benefits, it tends to lower the standard of social benefits. There, the political and cultural orientation was thrown into the clouds. If some editors were quick success, they dug their mind to “play the ball” and walked the wire at the edge of the national policies and regulations. They also searched for books and released some vulgar books with “irritating” content. “China can win the next one War ?, ”the sensational content, the world uproar;“ Who to contract China ”is even more grandstanding. “Chiang Kai-shek secret book” for the funeral thief Tuzhi; “Du Yuesheng Biography” as a traitor wipe powder. Editorial political awareness, the overall situation awareness and orientation has long been the economic interests of rushed to the bottom. Second, the ability to innovate degradation. Book publishing expensive innovation.
提出采用量纲分析法,可快捷有效地判断科技论文中频繁出现的数理公式的正误,以降低编辑加工过程中的差错率。 It is proposed that dimensional analysis method can be use
The purpose of this article is to study euphemism indetail so as to master the proper method of using it.Some people consider it a psychological necessity while