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春天来了,楼前那棵大柳树熬过严冬迎着春风甩着长长的枝条又可以在阳光下尽情地婆娑起舞了。提起楼前那棵柳树,还得从大庆建楼说起。1979年,大庆油田的第一批住宅楼——8栋钻工楼,在钻井指挥部生活基地“五把铁锹闹革命”的创业庄落成,照片登在《人民日报》的报眼上。从此大庆油田的楼房雨后春笋般拔地而起,一座超现代化油城逐渐形成。我家也从干打垒搬进了新楼房。这是创业庄人为之骄傲的一件大事。给远方的亲友写信,头一句我就一定写上:“我们大庆人住楼房了!” Spring came, the big tree in front of the building survived the winter breeze through the long branches of the spring breeze and can enjoy dancing in the sun. Put up the front willow tree, have to talk about building from the Daqing. In 1979, the first batch of residential buildings in Daqing Oilfield, including 8 drilling buildings, was completed in the startup site of Drilling Command Life Base and “Five Shovels to Make Revolution”. The photos were published in the newspaper “People’s Daily” . Since then, Daqing Oilfield mushroomed buildings, an ultra-modern oil city gradually formed. My family also moved from the dry barrier into the new building. This is a proud business venture Zhuang who is a major event. Write letters to relatives and friends in the distance, the first sentence I must write: “We Daqing people live in the building! ”
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