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新千年第一春,沈阳市在国家公务员中深入开展了“为人民服务,让人民满意”教育实践活动中,尤为令人瞩目的是:在第一线、担任科(队、所)长等基层领导职务、直接为人民群众办实事的国家公务员中评选出刘宝亮等10名“沈阳市人民满意的公务员”。在3月23日召开的新闻发布会上,这10名同志庄重地接受了市委、市政府领导授予给他们的荣誉。当人们将目光投向这些大多身着制服的公务员时,或许会产生这样的疑问:为什么这次评选的重点要打在最基层的担任科、所、队长身上?究其原因,主要是基于3点考虑:一是担任科、所、队长的公务员,与人民群众直接打交道。谁是他们当中的典型,人民群众最有发言权。在他们当中评选典型,便于广大人民群众的积极参与,也最能让人民群众信服。二是基层的科、所、队长是具有相当权力的职务。以权谋私,最为人民群众深恶痛绝。在担任这些职务的公务员中树立秉公用权、用权为民的典型,可以教育广大公务员弘扬正气,依法行政,廉洁奉公。三是基层的科、所、队长是最辛苦、最难干的“官”。在他们当中评选人民满意的公务员,有利于激励广大公务员爱岗敬业,艰苦奋斗,勤政为民。沈阳市人事局局长丁仁恕在发言中表示“为人民服务,是永恒主题;让人民满意,是公务员的不懈追求。”并对于这项活动确立“常抓不懈的思想,使活动深入、持久、健康地发展下去。”从本期开始,我们将陆续向大家介绍这些先进典型的事迹,请您关注。 In the first spring of the new millennium, Shenyang City has carried out in-depth education among state civil servants in the educational practice of “serving the people and making the people happy.” What attracts people’s attention is that in the first line, Chiefs and other grass-roots leadership positions directly for the people to do practical things in the selected civil servants, such as Liu Baoliang 10 “Shenyang City people satisfied with the civil service ”. At a press conference held on March 23, the 10 comrades solemnly accepted the honor accorded them by the leaders of the municipal party committee and municipal government. When people look to most of these civil servants dressed in uniform, may have this question: Why the focus of this selection to play at the grassroots units, captains who? The reason is mainly based on 3 points Consider: First, as a civil servant of the department, the captain, dealing directly with the people. Who are the typical ones among them, the masses have the most say. They selected the typical ones among them, facilitated the active participation of the broad masses of the people, and most convinced the masses of the people. Second, grassroots units, the captain is a position with considerable power. To use their power for personal gains and abuse is most abhorrent to the people. Among the civil servants holding these posts, they are able to educate the civil servants in promoting the principle of righteousness, administration in accordance with the law, and serving the government honestly and honestly. Third, grassroots units, the captain is the most difficult, most difficult to dry “official ”. Appraising the public servants who are satisfied by the people among them will help motivate the civil servants to love and respect their careers, work hard and diligently for the people. Ding Renshu, director of the Personnel Bureau of Shenyang Municipality, said in his speech: “Serving the people is an eternal theme; satisfying people is a relentless pursuit of civil servants.” And “ Lasting and healthy development. ”From the beginning of this issue, we will continue to introduce the deeds of these advanced models, please pay attention.
青海省地贸局自大战八、九两月以来,一共粗踩了五次战役,取得很大的成箔,为了供备地参考,埂将慈局第四战役小桔,和第五战役步署中有关探矿部份的情况摘录如下; Qinghai Bure
听到老王离去的噩耗,我惊呆了半响。听前去医院接他的朱科长说:老王接着氧气硬撑着过了江,一到县内便去了。去的时候,正是子夜,大雨滂沦。 我和老王是同事,却并不十分熟悉——他是
摘 要:中华民族上下五千年,历史源远流长,文化博大精深。民族文化是民族团结的核心内容。我们传统的教育,和民族文化结合起来的一般是语文、历史、政治等文科科目。本文介绍了基础数学和民族文化教育整合的现状以及具体的内容,希望能帮助高中学子理解数学和民族文化教育整合的意义和必要性。  【关键词】民族文化;基础数学;结合  数学从内到外都闪射着理性的光芒,数学学的好的学生往往比较理性。在中国有种说法:数学约