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12月15日深夜,嫦娥三号着陆器、巡视器互拍成像图片顺利传回,标志着我国探月工程“绕、落、回”第二步战略目标的全面实现,中国成为世界上第三个掌握月球软着陆和第二个实施无人月球巡视探测的国家。据悉,在信息保障技术层面,嫦娥三号探月工程大量采用了我国信息技术企业浪潮集团设计制造的高端服务器系统,目前这些系统已成功支持了嫦娥三号的发射、地月转轨及中途修正、着陆等任务,并将在接下来的三个月甚至更长的时间里,继续服务于嫦娥三号在月球的科学勘测任务。 The late December 15, Chang’e III landers, patrollers inter-imaging images successfully returned, marking China’s lunar exploration project “around, fall, back ” the second step of the full realization of the strategic goals, China has become the world The third to master the soft landing of the moon and the second country to conduct unmanned lunar patrolling. It is reported that in terms of information security technology, Chang’e III lunar exploration project has adopted a large number of high-end server systems designed and manufactured by Inspur Group of China’s information technology enterprises. At present, these systems have successfully supported the launch of Chang’e III, the earth-moon transition and midway amendments, Landing and other tasks, and in the next three months or longer, continue to serve the scientific exploration of the moon Chang’e 3 mission.
Background: An extremely high prevalence of stomach cancer was observed in Mizoram (India), where the population consumes uncommon food. The relation of food ha
目的 研究Genistein对裸鼠肾包膜下肝癌移植瘤侵袭性生长的作用及其作用机制.方法 10只裸小鼠分成2组,每只裸小鼠均建立双侧肾包膜下肝癌移植瘤模型,予Genistein( 5 mg/ml)腹腔内注射,共15 d.观察移植瘤生长及对肾实质侵袭能力变化,行肿瘤微血管密度(MVD)的免疫组化检测及MMP2与TIMP2表达的RT-PCR检测.结果 Genistein治疗组瘤体积增加(63.32±8.
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