
来源 :上海预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongdongthere
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为了矫正视力和外观,角膜接触镜(俗称隐形眼镜)的应用已愈来愈普遍。据不完全统计,美国1985年有2000万人使用接触镜,我国配戴接触镜者也有明显增加,这给高度近视或特殊需要者带来了福音。但近几年来,尽管其材料和设计不断改进,而配戴者角膜溃疡仍时有发生。据报道,角膜溃疡已成为发展中国家致盲的主要原因之一。WHO在尼泊尔的流行病学调查表明,在单眼致盲原因中,角膜溃疡所占的比例仅次于白内障。我国因配戴接触镜而引起化脓性角膜溃疡流行的报道也日益增多。因此,本文对有关方面作一简单综述。 In order to correct vision and appearance, the application of contact lenses (commonly known as contact lenses) has become more and more common. According to incomplete statistics, 20 million people in the United States used contact lenses in 1985, and the number of people wearing contact lenses in our country also increased markedly. This brought good news to people with high myopia or special needs. However, in recent years, despite the continuous improvement of materials and design, the wearer’s corneal ulcers still occur from time to time. It has been reported that corneal ulcers have become one of the main causes of blinding in developing countries. Epidemiological surveys by WHO in Nepal show that corneal ulcers account for the second most common cause of cataracts in monocular blindness. There are also reports of the prevalence of suppurative corneal ulcer in our country due to wearing contact lenses. Therefore, this article gives a brief overview of the parties concerned.
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