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随着我国的新课标改革,高中教学受到人们的广泛关注,尤其是高中的信息技术教学质量,更是受到教育部门的高度重视。众所周知,我国现如今已经是信息化发展大国,网络信息化的快速发展有效促进了我国社会经济的进步,人们的生活、工作已经离不开信息技术的支持。高中生学习信息技术,能够为大学的信息技术专业打下牢固的基础,因此,提高高中信息技术的教学质量是信息技术老师首要任务之一。 With the reform of the new curriculum reform in our country, high school teaching attracts the extensive attention of people. Especially in high school, the quality of information technology teaching is highly valued by the education department. As we all know, our country nowadays is already a large developing country in information technology. The rapid development of network informationization effectively promoted the social and economic progress of our country. People’s life and work can not be separated from the support of information technology. High school students learning information technology, can lay a solid foundation for the university’s information technology, therefore, to improve the teaching quality of information technology in high school is one of the primary tasks of information technology teachers.
Dr.Wine的产品创意诞生于旅途中。  创业前,辛华是一名在葡萄酒投资、拍卖和收藏领域的从业者。每年往来于全球知名酒庄和葡萄酒拍卖行,在遍尝各种美酒之外,他还喜欢研究如何为美酒搭配食物。  2012年,一次去香港买酒后,在返回上海的飞机上,辛华和他的好朋友、媒体人熊三木聊起了当下逐渐火热起来的移动互联网。突然,他脑子里闪过一个想法:能不能做一款应用,通过扫描即可识别酒的基本信息,甚至获知与之搭配
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