龙江农场计生办主任王海恩1997年5月从事计生工作,凭着多年的教育工作经验,他以思想转化为主,深入基层,做耐心细致的工作,短短两年多,完成上环187例,人流引产133例,结扎154例,四术合计474例,切实把该场人口增长率控制在远低于县指标之下。 计生工作涉及到方方面面的问题,是一项长期的、需常抓不懈的工作,王主任是这样想的,也是这样做的。且看:
Wang Haien, director of family planning office of Longjiang Farm, engaged in family planning work in May 1997. With years of experience in education, he mainly transformed his thinking and went deep into the grassroots to do patient and meticulous work. In just over two years, he completed 187 cases of Sheung Wan , Abortion in 133 cases, ligation of 154 cases, four total of 474 cases, effectively control the population growth rate far below the county targets. The family planning work involves all aspects of the problem. It is a long-term task that requires constant effort and perseverance. Director Wang thinks so and he does the same. And look: