Loads Analysis of Flanges of a Transonic and Supersonic Wind Tunnel Wide Angle Diffuser

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lipengru
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Compared with general circular flanges,flanges on conical shells have different configurations.In the Chinese national code GB150,however,there are no related contents about flange design of this kind of type.So,it needs to study loads of flanges of this kind of type.This paper takes the flange connection of a wide angle diffuser in a transonic and supersonic wind tunnel as the background,according to the principles of flange design in Chinese national code GB150,combining the characteristics of flanges of a wide angle diffuser,the loads of flanges have been analyzed,and the equations of loads and their locations have been presented. Compared with general circular flanges, flanges on conical shells have different configurations.In the Chinese national code GB150, however, there are no related contents about flange design of this kind of type.So, it needs to study loads of flanges of this kind of type.This paper takes the flange connection of a wide angle diffuser in a transonic and supersonic wind tunnel as the background, according to the principles of flange design in Chinese national code GB150, combining the characteristics of flanges of a wide angle diffuser, the loads of flanges have been analyzed, and the equations of loads and their locations have been presented.
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