Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Manganese TRIP Steel

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tytytytytytytytytyty
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Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of newly designed 0.1C-6Mn-0.5Si-1Al TRIP-aided steels under different annealing conditions and the effects of matrix microstructure before intercritical annealing on the final microstructure were studied by means of X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microcopy(SEM),dilatometric simulation,optical microstructure(OM) and tensile testing in this work.The experimental results indicate that the TRIP steel with Mn of 6% could form a considerable amount of retained austenite with good TRIP effect after a simple intercritical annealing treatment,and the matrix microstructure before intercritical annealing treatment can greatly affect the final microstructure.The original microstructure of the ferritic matrix steel was eliminated,while annealed martensite was remained from the martensite matrix steel under the same intercritical annealing conditions. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of newly designed 0.1C-6Mn-0.5Si-1Al TRIP-aided steels under different annealing conditions and the effects of matrix microstructure before intercritical annealing on the final microstructure were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) , scanning electron microcopy (SEM), dilatometric simulation, optical microstructure (OM) and tensile testing in this work. The experimental results that that the TRIP steel with Mn of 6% could form a considerable amount of retained austenite with good TRIP effect after a simple intercritical annealing treatment, and the matrix microstructure before intercritical annealing treatment can greatly affect the final microstructure. The original microstructure of the ferritic matrix steel was eliminated, while annealed martensite was remained from the martensite matrix steel under the same intercritical annealing conditions.
12月15日,历时3天的2012中国海洋经济博览会圆满闭幕。本届海博会共促成投资和贸易项目198个,项目投资总额和贸易成交额为929.68亿元人民币,比上届增长103.17% December 15,
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