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为使新建与改建公路在满足国防、政治、文化需要的原则,达到运输生产力最高、生产费用最低的要求,必须在设计以前进行经济调查。经济调查的任务是:在调查区内搜集沿线经济概况、运输联系、货物运转量及其流向资料,以便作为正确合理地确定路线控制点与总方向,为选择经济、合理的路线取得技术上的根据,合理地规划道路新建与改建的步骤,确定所能达到的经疥效果。因此,经济调查是公路基本建设工作中重要的一环,经济调查分为综合经济调查与个别经济调查两种:综合经济调查是为了根据调查的结果来从事公路网的研究和拟定合理的公路修建程序,个别经济调查是为了决定某路线的客货运量以及决定该路的新建或重建的投资 In order to meet the requirements of national defense, political and cultural needs for newly built and reconstructed highways, the highest transport productivity and the lowest production costs must be met before the design of the economic investigation. The task of economic investigation is to collect economic profiles along the line, transport links, cargo throughput and flow direction information in the survey area so as to obtain the technical and economic rationale for selecting the economic and reasonable route as the correct and reasonable route control points and general directions According to the reasonable planning of road construction and renovation steps to determine the effect can be achieved. Therefore, economic surveys are an important part of highway infrastructure construction. The economic surveys are divided into comprehensive economic surveys and individual economic surveys. The comprehensive economic surveys are designed to conduct road network research and formulate rational road construction based on the survey results Procedures and individual economic surveys are intended to determine the passenger and freight traffic volume of a route and the new or reconstructed investment that determines the route
中国会计学会的负责同志曾将我国近年来讨论的主要理论问题归纳为六类: (1)会计基本理论问题,包括:会计的性质和职能、会计工作在经济管理中的地位和作用等; (2)会计原则和
据初步统计,目前国内的一些地方企业纷纷将在国内、国际上有着较高知名度的地名注册为商标,并且有从县、乡(镇)名称向文物古迹、风景游览地、纪念地等自然地理实体 Accordin