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著名雕塑家罗丹说:“生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”欣赏,是一种积极的生活态度,更是教育者对于儿童的关爱。笔者在作文教学中,一直注意运用赏识,通过教师热情真诚的赏识,使学生及时看到自己作文的成果,从而激励他们更爱习作,不断提高作文能力。作文教学中的赏识,是促使学生迈向成功写作的第一步。一、为什么要“赏”在作文评价中,我们以前总认为学生写作水平有限,喜欢用高标准来审视学生在作文中表达的思想情感,总认为学 The famous sculptor Rodin said: “Life is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of beauty to find the eyes.” Appreciation is a positive attitude to life, but also educators for children’s love. In composition teaching, the author has always paid attention to the use of appreciation and sincerely appreciated by teachers’ enthusiasm so that students can see the results of their composition in time to motivate them to love their work more and improve their abilities. Appreciation in composition teaching is the first step towards motivating students to succeed in writing. First, why do you want to reward you? In the essay evaluation, we used to think that the writing skills of students are always limited. They like to use high standards to examine the thoughts and emotions that students express in their compositions.
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