
来源 :中国计划生育学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nail_dingding
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目的:评价综合干预对流动人口办理《流动人口婚育证明》和在现居住地接受计划生育检查的影响,为今后开展服务提供参考。方法:采用多阶段整群抽样的方法选择工作在北京市、上海市、成都市的18~49岁流动人口,根据所在研究场所将调查对象分为干预组和对照组。在干预组开展以工作场所为基础的干预活动,包括计划生育/生殖健康倡导和动员,流动人口管理,计划生育/生殖健康培训、宣教、咨询和技术服务等。由统一培训的调查员于2007年8~12月开展基线调查,于2008年8~12月开展评估调查,采用χ2和GEE模型进行数据分析。结果:基线调查时,不同地区干预组和对照组的流动人口办理婚育证明的比例在51%~56%之间,只有上海地区干预组基线调查时的比例为71.70%。基线时各组对象在现居住地接受过免费计划生育/生殖健康检查的比例仅在18%~29%之间。GEE模型的分析结果显示一年的综合干预能有效地提高三个地区流动人口办理婚育证明的比例和在现居住地接受计划生育检查的比例。结论:计划生育/生殖健康综合服务干预能够提高对流动人口的管理和服务水平。 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of comprehensive interventions on handling the “proof of marriage and childbirth of floating population” and the current acceptance of family planning examination among floating population and provide reference for future service. Methods: A multistage cluster sampling method was used to select floating population aged 18-49 in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu. According to the place of study, the subjects were divided into intervention group and control group. Workplace-based interventions in the intervention group include family planning / reproductive health advocacy and mobilization, management of floating population, family planning / reproductive health training, education, counseling and technical services. The unified training investigators conducted a baseline survey from August to December 2007 and an assessment survey from August to December 2008 to conduct data analysis using χ2 and GEE models. Results: During the baseline survey, the proportion of migrant children attending marriage and childbirth in the intervention groups and control groups in different regions was between 51% and 56%, with only 71.70% of the Shanghai intervention group’s baseline survey. At baseline, the proportion of subjects receiving free family planning / reproductive health examinations in their current place of residence was only 18% -29%. The results of the GEE model show that a year of comprehensive intervention can effectively increase the proportion of migrants in marriage in the three regions and the proportion of family planning examinations in their current place of residence. Conclusions: Integrated family planning / reproductive health service interventions can improve the management and service levels of migrants.
目的 探讨不同雾化吸入方式治疗小儿哮喘的临床效果.方法 此次实验选择了我院2015年1月-2015年12月收治的哮喘病患儿80例,将患儿随机分为对照组与观察组,各组患儿40例;对照组
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给合中铁物资发展战略和打造“一个中铁物资”的企业文化理念,阐述了建设企业廉洁文化,促进企业战略实施的思路和措施。 China Railway to give material development strat
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