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图表是一种传递信息的有效载体,也是一种传授知识的工具,具有言简意赅、直观形象、概括性和对比性强、简洁易记等特点。高一《经济生活》教学中恰当运用图表教学,能把抽象的概念、乏味的关系、枯燥的理论,复杂的知识结构具体生动地表达出来,帮助学生感知、理解、记忆概念、原理和知识结构关系;启迪学生的思维,培养学生综合、分析、比较能力和空间想象能力;同时也利于节省教师的板书时间,提高课堂教学效率。 The chart is an effective carrier for the transmission of information. It is also a tool for imparting knowledge. It is characterized by its concise and concise, intuitive image, generality and contrast, simplicity and easy to remember. The appropriate use of graphic teaching in the course of “Economic Life” teaching in Senior High School can express abstract concepts, tedious relationships, boring theories, and complex knowledge structures vividly, helping students to perceive, understand and memorize concepts, principles, and knowledge structures. Relationship; enlighten students’ thinking, train students’ ability of synthesis, analysis, comparison and spatial imagination; at the same time, it also helps teachers to save time on board and improve classroom teaching efficiency.
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2010年1月25日上午,以“准确定位、把握机遇,实现历史性的跨越”为主题的上海通用重工集团第六届经销单位代表大会在上海复宣酒店隆重召开。 On the morning of January 25,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.