
来源 :重庆市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingdeyanglina
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(2010年10月14日)最近,薄熙来书记多次作出重要指示,要求立即开展城区菜市场专项整治,实现“干净卫生、上档升级”的总体目标。改善城区菜市场经营环境、提高经营管理水平是事关民生的大事,是贯彻落实市委三届七次全委会精神,提升城市形象和居民生活质量的具体体现,意义重大。市政府为认真落实薄熙来书记的指示,对这项工作作了专门研究,下发了整治方案。今天,市政府召开电视电话会议,主要任务就是贯彻落实薄熙来书记的重要指示精神,动员和部署城区菜市场专项整治工作。下面,我讲三点意见。一、城区菜市场现状和存在的主要问题城区菜市场是联系农产品生产者、经营者和消费者的重要纽带,是城市居民“菜篮子”商品供应的主要场所和流通的主要渠道。近年来,我市城区菜市场建设逐步推进,形成了多渠道流通、多方式经营、多元化竞争的格局,基本满足了城市居民的消费需求。呈现出以下特点:一是市场数量较多。据统计, (October 14, 2010) Recently, Secretary Bo Xilai made important instructions on many occasions to urge the special rectification of urban vegetable markets to be implemented immediately to achieve the overall goal of “clean and hygienic upgrading”. Improving the operating environment of urban vegetable markets and raising the level of operation and management is a major event concerning people’s livelihood. It is a concrete manifestation of implementing the spirit of the Seventh NPC Standing Committee of the Third Municipal Committee and enhancing the image of the city and the quality of life of residents, which is of great significance. In order to conscientiously implement the instructions of Secretary Bo Xilai, the municipal government made a special study on this work and issued a rectification plan. Today, the municipal government held a videoconference with the main task of implementing the important instructions of Secretary Bo Xilai and mobilizing and deploying the special rectification work in the urban vegetable market. Now, I will talk about three points. First, the status quo of urban vegetable market and the main problems Urban vegetable market is an important link between producers, managers and consumers of agricultural products, is the main place for urban residents “basket ” commodity supply and the main channel of circulation. In recent years, the construction of urban vegetable market in our city has been progressively promoted, forming a multi-channel circulation, multi-mode operation and diversified competition pattern, basically meeting the consumption needs of urban residents. Showing the following characteristics: First, the market is more. According to the statistics,
The Chinese Government faces the task of stabilizing vegetable prices to avoid steep increases and dips Fluctuations of vegetable prices in China have recently
彩色花泥画、立体石膏彩绘、彩沙画、金粉画、手绘饰品、智能玩具积木等这些深受少儿喜欢的益智手工(DIY)项目,大家一定很熟悉。这些单个项目招商,加盟费从上千元到上万元不等。在实际经营过程中,许多创业者都有过产品单一不能长久持续经营稳定赚钱的烦恼,往往是等新鲜劲头一过,小店也跟着关门。  有没有集少儿益智手工产品多样化、潮流化,让创业者持续经营稳当赚钱的加盟机构呢? 答案是:有!“巧手丫”少儿手工益智