
来源 :中国石油和化工标准与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:deng_95132
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据了解日前由上海石化股份公司塑料事业部起草制定的《给水管道系统用聚乙烯专用料行业标准》通过有关部门的评审,这标志着被称为王牌管道专用料PE100有了首个行业标准。 It is understood by the Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Plastics Division drafted the “water supply piping system with polyethylene materials industry standards” through the assessment of the departments concerned, which marked the ace of the pipeline known as PE100 has the first industry standard.
Thermoplastic polyester elastomer(TPEE)is a high-performance engineer-ing elastomer with advantages of greatmechanical strength,good elasticityand great anti-i
青啤当然不会错过这个绝好的营销机会。青啤围绕世界杯的各种营销手段的亮相,为即将到来的德国世界杯、也为已经悄然来临的销售旺季增添了不少看点。 Tsingtao Brewery, of
好美啊!浩瀚深邃的夜空,橘黄的孔明灯冉冉升起,映亮了整个夜空! 生活中捕捉商机自行研制孔明灯几十万元血本无归!小小的孔明灯却再圆他的致富梦!王建伟是个不安分的人,放弃
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