Three-Dimensional Geoscience Modeling and Simulation of Gas Explosion in Coal Mine

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LJC21102309
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Gas explosion is one of the most serious events in coal mine. In consideration of the limitation of past research method about gas explosion, three-dimensional(3D) modeling and simulation are suggested. This paper analyzes the research achievements on 3D modeling, and studies the modeling method of strata and laneway based on geoscience modeling. After the 3D modeling of strata and laneways, the simulation of gas explosion(such as gas exploding, color, burning, virtual wandering and rock caving) is performed. The research method is meaningful for safety analysis and safety survey. Gas explosion is one of the most serious events in coal mine. In consideration of the limitation of past research method about gas explosion, three-dimensional (3D) modeling and simulation are suggested. This paper analyzes the research achievements on 3D modeling, and studies the modeling method of strata and laneway based on geoscience modeling. After the 3D modeling of strata and laneways, the simulation of gas explosion (such as gas explosion, color, burning, virtual wandering and rock caving) is performed. The research method is meaningful for safety analysis and safety survey.
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