改革创新 加强管理 争创一流

来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiao8910
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黑龙江省盐务管理局(盐业公司)成立于1989年,担负着全省商品盐的供应、食盐专营及盐政稽查等任务。成立十多年来,他们遵循为基层服务、对人民负责、创造效益、兴盐富企的指导思想,致力于消除碘缺乏病,为提高3800万龙江人民的整体素质,团结一心,奋力拼搏,开拓进取,扎实工作,出色完成了全省食盐专营各项工作,并形成了完整的碘盐计划调拨、储存、包装、质检、供应及防伪等一整套生产服务体系,使全省碘盐供应覆盖率、合格率达到95%以上,取得了良好的社会效益。全省甲状腺肿大率由十年前的20%下降到目前的7.5%,提前实现了2000年消除碘缺乏病阶段性目标,连续几年得到国家中盐总公司通报表彰。改革创新——困境中崛起的密诀盐业,这一古老的行业,长期受着计划经济的影响,观念陈旧、管理落后,面对市场经济的冲击,显得异常脆弱。仅就黑龙江而言,截止到2000年末,全省盐业企业已累计亏损5277万元,还不包括潜亏挂账的5785万元,资产负债率已达 The Salt Administration of Heilongjiang Province (Salt Industry Company) was established in 1989 and is responsible for the province’s supply of commercial salt, salt franchise, and salt government audits. For more than a decade since its establishment, they have followed the guiding principles of serving the grassroots, being accountable to the people, creating benefits, and pursuing salt and rich enterprises. They have endeavored to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders and are working hard to improve the overall quality of the 38 million Longjiang people. , forge ahead, work hard, outstandingly completed the work of the province’s salt franchise, and formed a complete set of iodized salt plan transfer, storage, packaging, quality inspection, supply and anti-counterfeiting a set of production service system, so that the province’s iodized salt The supply coverage rate and qualification rate reached over 95% and achieved good social benefits. The rate of goiter in the province dropped from 20% ten years ago to the current 7.5%, achieving the goal of elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in advance in 2000, and was recognized by the National Intermediate Corporation for several consecutive years. Reform and Innovation - The rising secret salt industry in the predicament. This ancient industry has long been under the influence of the planned economy, with outdated concepts and backward management, and it is extremely vulnerable to the impact of the market economy. As far as Heilongjiang is concerned, as of the end of 2000, the province’s salt industry has accumulated a loss of 52.77 million yuan, not including the 57.85 million yuan of hidden debts, and the debt ratio has reached
各市人民政府,各县(市、区)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 省政府同意省经贸委、计委、外经贸厅、财政厅、信息产业厅、科技厅、外办、国税局、