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试验采用Folin酚法和3,5—二硝基水杨酸法对四川裂腹鱼离体消化器官蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性进行测定。结果表明:在最适p H和最适温度条件下,肠道(由前至后)Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ段和肝胰的蛋白酶活性分别为815.25、145.10、623.43、743.93和84.84μg/(g·min),各组织活性高低依次为肠段Ⅰ>肠段Ⅳ>肠段Ⅲ>肠段Ⅱ>肝胰;淀粉酶活性分别为23.77、28.01、38.86、22.25和21.20 mg/(g·min),各组织活性高低依次为肠段Ⅲ>肠段Ⅱ>肠段Ⅰ>肠段Ⅳ>肝胰。各部位蛋白酶活性的最适p H和最适温度并不相同,最适p H肝胰2.6,肠段Ⅰ9.0,肠段Ⅱ8.2,肠段Ⅲ7.8,肠段Ⅳ8.6;最适温度为肠段Ⅰ和肠段Ⅳ35℃,肠段Ⅱ55℃,肠段Ⅲ45℃,肝胰40℃。淀粉酶活性的最适p H和最适温度也不相同,最适p H肠段Ⅰ和肠段Ⅱ8.2,肝胰7.8,肠段Ⅲ和肠段Ⅳ9.0;最适温度肠段Ⅱ50℃,肠段Ⅲ40℃,肠段Ⅰ、肠段Ⅳ和肝胰35℃。 Folin phenol method and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid method were used to test protease and amylase activities of isolated digestive organs of Schizothorax in Sichuan. The results showed that protease activities of intestinal tract (from front to back) Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳ and hepatopancreas were 815.25,145.10,623.43,743.93 and 84.84μg / (g · min). The activity of each tissue was in the order of intestine Ⅰ> intestine Ⅳ> intestine Ⅲ> intestine Ⅱ> hepatopancreas; the amylase activities were 23.77, 28.01, 38.86, 22.25 and 21.20 mg / (g · min). The activity of each tissue was in the order of intestine Ⅲ> intestine Ⅱ> intestine Ⅰ> intestine Ⅳ> hepatopancreas. The optimum pH and optimum temperature of protease activity in each part were different, and the optimal pH, hepatopancreas 2.6, intestinal segment Ⅰ9.0, intestinal segment Ⅱ 8.2, intestinal segment Ⅲ, and intestinal segment Ⅳ8.6 were the best The suitable temperature for intestinal segment Ⅰ and intestine Ⅳ35 ℃, intestinal segment Ⅱ 55 ℃, intestinal segment Ⅲ 45 ℃, hepatopancreas 40 ℃. The optimum pH and amylase activity of amylase were also different, and the optimal pH, intestinal segment Ⅰ and intestinal segment Ⅱ 8.2, hepatopancreas 7.8, intestinal segment Ⅲ and intestinal segment Ⅳ9.0 were the best. ℃, intestinal segment Ⅲ40 ℃, intestinal segment Ⅰ, intestinal segment Ⅳ and hepatopancreas 35 ℃.
为了治疗锦鲤充血病,笔者根据其临床症状,采用阳光照射、食盐洗浴、注射青霉素等措施进行治疗,并提出相应的预防措施。 In order to treat Koi congestion, the author acco
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