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30多年前,根据中共中央、中央军委和邓小平的决策,中国人民解放军在华北张家口地区,举行了人民解放军历史上规模最大的实兵演习和阅兵。这次大演习在国际国内引起了强烈反响,给全国军民以极大鼓舞,对国际霸权主义产生了一定的威慑作用。那么,为什么要举行这次集训,特别是要大规模地组织实兵演习和阅兵呢?大演习前的“8 0 1”会议:“积极防御”方针的确立话题还得从1980年10月解放军总参谋部举办的全军高级干部对苏联防卫作战研究班代号为“801”的会议说起。“801”会议主要是讨论研究、明确我国新时 More than 30 years ago, according to the decisions made by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Military Commission and Deng Xiaoping, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army held the largest military exercise and parade in the history of the People’s Liberation Army in Zhangjiakou area of ​​North China. The grand rehearsal has aroused strong repercussions both at home and abroad, greatly encouraging the military and the people across the country and has played a deterrent role in international hegemony. So, why should this training be held, especially on the large-scale organization of military exercises and military parades? Pre-exercise “8 0 1 ” meeting: “active defense ” policy to establish topics from 1980 In October of the People’s Liberation Army General Staff Headquarters held by the army senior cadres on the Soviet Union defensive operations research class code-named “801 ” talk about. “801 ” meeting is mainly to discuss research, a clear new time in our country
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Osteoporosis,the sixth most common disease in the world,is bringing increasingly serious harm to people’s health.Cathepsin K,which plays an important role in b
高胆固醇血症是人体脂肪代谢异常的表现,防治高胆固醇血症对预防中老年人心脑血管疾病起着重要作用。C反应蛋白是由肝脏合成的一种全身性炎症反 Hypercholesterolemia is a