寓意深刻 入木三分——谈新闻漫画在报纸中的作用

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漫画是一种富于讽刺与幽默,引人会心地发笑的艺术作品。它采用高度的浪漫主义与现实主义相结合的夸张手法和灵活多变的表现技巧,来反映社会生活中出现的一些矛盾,不仅能使读者在笑声中产生丰富的联想,而且能切中时弊,产生强烈的社会效果。正因为它费墨不多,却能入木三分地反映出问题的本质,所以受到广大人民的喜爱. 漫画作为报纸的常客.也常被你为新闻漫画。它既能运用幽默感和夸张手法来歌颂社会主义现代化建设中出现的新事物、新道德、新风尚,又能揭露社会上的一些腐败落后现象,在社会主义精神文明和物质文明建设中起到了潜移默化的作用。因此,深受新闻报刊编辑部门的青睐。 Manga is a satirical and humorous, entertaining artistic work. It uses a combination of highly romanticism and realism of exaggeration and flexible expression skills to reflect some of the contradictions in social life, not only enable readers to generate rich associations in the laughter, but also cut shortcomings, Produce a strong social effect. It is precisely because it does not waste much money, but it can reflect the three-thirds of the essence of the problem, so loved by the majority of the people.Community as a newspaper regulars, often you are news comics. It not only uses the sense of humor and exaggeration to praise the new things, new morals and new trends appearing in the socialist modernization drive, but also discloses some social backwardness and corruption in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization and material civilization Subtle effects. Therefore, by the news newspaper editorial department of all ages.