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我们弟兄三人,我排行老大。一年前,我三弟因和别人一块抢劫人家东西被判有期徒刑五年。因我弟弟出事,我父亲一气之下得了重病,最近因医治无效去世。我父亲生前留下了三万多元积蓄和一些其他财产。在分配遗产时,我二弟以我三弟犯了罪而没有继承权为由,拒绝让他继承父亲的遗产。请问:罪犯有无继承权? 我国法律规定公民享有广泛的民事权利。民事权利是与人们的生产、生活密切相关的,原则上不 Three of our brothers, I rank boss. A year ago, my third brother was sentenced to five years in prison for robbing one another with others. My father got angry in the wake of my brother’s accident and recently died of his illness. My father left over thirty thousand yuan savings and some other property during his lifetime. When assigning a legacy, my second brother refused to let him inherit his father’s legacy on the grounds that my third brother had sinned and did not inherit it. Excuse me, is there any inheritance rights for criminals? Our law stipulates that citizens enjoy a wide range of civil rights. Civil rights are closely related to people’s production and life, and in principle not
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目的研究激活法尼酯X受体(FXR)对核心蛋白聚糖(decorin)表达的变化及其对肾小管上皮细胞-间充质转分化的影响。方法 (1)采用不同浓度的FXR特异性激动剂CDCA及拮抗剂Guggulste
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