
来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijunjie88
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一、深入开展以“三讲”为主要内容的党性党风教育,不断加强思想政治建设理论素质是领导素质的灵魂和基础。领导干部具备了较高的理论素养和水平,就能站得高一些,看得远一些,就会有较强的洞察力。如果没有坚实的理论基础,理论上似懂非懂,模模糊糊,就很难有坚定的政治信念,在贯彻党的路线方针政策的过程中就难免出现片面性和摇摆性,甚至犯更大的错误。当前,要把以“三讲”为主要内容的党性党风教育在乡镇党委中普遍开展起来。首先要提高学习的自觉性,在全面掌握邓小平理论的科学体系的基础上,准确把握“解放思想、实事求是”的精神实质,进一步增强贯彻执行党的基本路线的自觉性和坚定性。其次,要强化政治意识,切实提高政治素质。教育和引导乡镇党委的每一个成员切实增强大局意识、中心意识、改革意识和宗旨意识。在思想上、政治上同中央保持高度一致,自觉维护上级党委权威,确保政令畅通;时刻坚持以经济建设为中心不 First, deepen the education of the party spirit and party style with “three stresses” as the main content and continuously strengthen the theoretical quality of ideological and political construction as the soul and foundation of the leadership quality. Leading cadres have higher theoretical accomplishments and standards, can stand higher, farther, there will be a strong insight. Without a solid theoretical foundation, it is hard to have firm political conviction in theory and it is hard to understand and understand in theory. In the course of implementing the party’s line, principles and policies, unilateralism and swaying will inevitably occur, and even bigger crimes will be committed error. At present, we must generally carry out the education of the party spirit and party style with the “three stresses” as the main content in the township party committees. First of all, it is necessary to raise the awareness of learning. On the basis of comprehensively grasping the scientific system of Deng Xiaoping Theory, we should accurately grasp the spiritual essence of “emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts” so as to further enhance the consciousness and firmness in implementing and implementing the party’s basic line. Second, we must strengthen our political awareness and earnestly improve our political quality. Educate and guide each member of the township party committees to effectively enhance the overall interest, center awareness, reform awareness and purpose awareness. Maintain a high degree of ideological and political conformity with the Central Government, conscientiously safeguard the authority of party committees at higher levels and ensure smooth flow of government decrees; always adhere to the principle of economic development as the center
本文结合教学实际,在学案搜集、课堂观察和问卷调查的基础上,指出当前学案设计和应用方面存在的问题,并提出相应的改进建议。 Based on the case study, classroom observat
英语教学评价是中学英语课程教学的重要内容,通过教育评价可以让老师了解学生的具体英语学习情况,也可以使学生对自我有更好的认知,还能让教师对课程教学的效果有更深的了解和认识。由此可见,英语教学评价在英语教学中有着极其重要的意义。  一、 目前中学英语教学评价体系的现状  1. 教学评价手段落后  目前,中学英语教学评价体系的手段主要是期中考试和期末考试。这种终结性评价给学生的感觉就是除了考试还是考试,