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进行研究性学习时,调查是一个很重要的环节,很多资料是通过调查得到的,它既是获取资料的途径,也是学习的过程。现在学校里开展的研究性学习,很多选题本身就是调查。那么如何进行调查呢?确定了选题之后,是不是就可以立即进入调查阶段呢?这还不行调查前还要进行准备工作。一般是理论上的准备,主要是查阅一些论著和资料,对即将调查研究的问题现有的研究水平、薄弱环节等方面有一个较为清楚的了解,逐步形成自己的观点和看法,当然这些观点和看法要在调查中加以验证。调查的方法有很多,中学生常用的有问卷调查法、典型调查法、访谈调查法,等等。本期选登的两篇调查报告,《关于学生上网情况的调查》主要用的是问卷调查法,《关于华容县城区生活环境的调查》则综合了多种调查法,同学们可以好好地比较一下,看看两者有什么异同,有什么可以借鉴的地方。 When conducting research-based learning, surveys are a very important link. Many of the information is obtained through surveys. It is both a means of obtaining information and a process of learning. Nowadays, in the research study conducted in schools, many topics are themselves investigated. So how do you investigate? After determining the topic, can you immediately enter the investigation stage? This will not be done before the investigation. Generally, it is a theoretical preparation. It mainly refers to some articles and materials. It has a clearer understanding of the existing research level and weak links of the issues to be investigated and studied, and gradually forms their own opinions and opinions. Of course, these opinions are Views should be verified in the survey. There are many methods for surveying. There are questionnaire surveys, typical surveys, interviews, etc. that are commonly used by middle school students. In the two survey reports selected in this issue, the “Survey on students’ online use” mainly uses the questionnaire survey method, and the “Survey on Living Environment in Huarong County’s Urban Areas” integrates a variety of survey methods. Students can make a good comparison. Look at the similarities and differences between the two. What can be learned from this?
Industry 4.0 as referred to a fourth industrial revolution has endorsed in several national manufacturing development plans such as in Germany,the UK,and China.
专访目的 :了解一线教师、教学管理人员对高中数学新一轮课程改革的真实感受专访对象 :王汉岭 (个人简历附后 )专访地点 :济宁师专中小学教育研究所 ;济宁市实验中学教导处专