,Quenching of the red Mn4+ luminescence in Mn4+-doped fluoride LED phosphors

来源 :光:科学与应用(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:song656334704
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Red-emitting Mn4+-doped fluorides are a promising class of materials to improve the color rendering and luminous efficacy of white light-emitting diodes (w-LEDs).For w-LEDs,the luminescence quenching temperature is very important,but surprisingly no systematic research has been conducted to understand the mechanism for thermal quenching in Mn4+-doped fluorides.Furthermore,concentration quenching of the Mn4+ luminescence can be an issue but detailed investigations are lacking.In this work,we study thermal quenching and concentration quenching in Mn4+-doped fluorides by measuring luminescence spectra and decay curves of K2FiF6:Mn4+ between 4 and 600 K and for Mn4+ concentrations from 0.01% to 15.7%.Temperature-dependent measurements on K2TiF6:Mn4+ and other Mn4+-doped phosphors show that quenching occurs through thermally activated crossover between the 4T2 excited state and 4A2 ground state.The quenching temperature can be optimized by designing host lattices in which Mn4+ has a high 4T2 state energy.Concentration-dependent studies reveal that concentration quenching effects are limited in K2TiF6:Mn4+ up to 5% Mn4+.This is important,as high Mn4+ concentrations are required for sufficient absorption of blue LED light in the parity-forbidden Mn4+ d-d transitions.At even higher Mn4+ concentrations (>10%),the quantum efficiency decreases,mostly due to direct energy transfer to quenching sites (defects and impurity ions).Optimization of the synthesis to reduce quenchers is crucial for developing more efficient highly absorbing Mn4+ phosphors.The present systematic study provides detailed insights into temperature and concentration quenching of Mn4+ emission and can be used to realize superior narrow-band red Mn4+ phosphors for w-LEDs.
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