深化价格改革 进一步搞好国营大中型企业

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一、搞好国营大中型企业价格工作的重大意义国营大中型企业在国民经济中处于支柱地位。我国现有独立核算的国营大中型企业占全国工业企业总数的2.5%,它们创造的工业产值却占到全部工业产值的45.6%,上交国家的利税占60%以上。国营大中型企业集中了国内先进技术装备和大量优秀人才,为国家提供了50~100%的基础工业产品和主要生产设备。搞好国营大中型企业,对增强我国的经济实力,实现社会主义建设的伟大战略目标,具有决定性的意义。国营大中型企业又是我国社会主义公有制的核心成分,处于社会主义经济的主导地位。社会主义所有制的巩固和社会主义制度优越性的发挥,在很大程度上有赖于国营大中型企业的发展、壮大和经济效益的提高。因此,我们必须充分认识国营大中型企业在社会主义建设中的重要地位,把进一步搞好国营大中型企业,提高到巩固和发展社会主义制度的高度来认识。 First, the importance of doing a good job in the pricing of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises are in a pillar position in the national economy. China’s existing state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises with independent accounting account for 2.5% of the total number of industrial enterprises in the country. The industrial output they created accounted for 45.6% of the total industrial output value. The profits and taxes paid by the countries that handed over account for more than 60%. The state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises have concentrated on domestic advanced technical equipment and a large number of outstanding talents, providing 50-100% of basic industrial products and major production equipment for the country. Doing a good job in the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises is of decisive significance in strengthening China’s economic strength and realizing the great strategic goal of socialist construction. State-owned large and medium-sized enterprises are also the core components of China’s socialist public ownership and are in a dominant position in the socialist economy. The consolidation of socialist ownership and the superiority of the socialist system depend to a large extent on the development, growth, and economic efficiency of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, we must fully understand the important position of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises in socialist construction, and recognize that we must further improve our state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises and raise them to the point of consolidating and developing the socialist system.
经济学家们无疑都承认自由贸易和接近于自由贸易的体制。著名经济学家J·伯格沃蒂声称,经济学家普遍认为“刺激出口”(或接近于自由贸易的)战略优越于“进口替代” Economi
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21岁时,她患上横纹肌肉瘤,不能手术,只能接受化疗。成年患者,存活率低于孩童,只有15%。苏菲·史戴普住进医院,开始接受治疗。  在陷入这种境地之前,她过的是一个美丽姑娘应该过的生活,购物、旅行、去夜店,有一个英俊的长腿男友,正打算从父母家搬出去独立生活。但医生的宣判似乎将这一切终结了,她获得了一个新的身份:癌症病人,去打一场成功率不那么高的战争。周围的同伴突然换了,从家人、朋友和同学,换成了患有