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大萝卜,产量高,耐储藏,是胶东农户冬春两季的主菜。三年经济困难时期,“瓜菜代”萝卜当饭:萝卜汤、萝卜丝、清水煮萝卜,一天三顿不换样,吃得人们面黄肌瘦、浑身乏力。直到40年后的今天,我一闻到萝卜丝的青腥味就恶心。1958年秋天的一个晚上,按县里有关部门的战略部署,全县统一行动。祖父被通知去村里开大会,会场全封闭,只准进不准出,彻夜未归。凌晨时分,一阵鸡飞狗跳,家中涌进一伙情绪激昂的积极分子,说是要过共产主义生活了,大办食堂;过几天还要集体住宿。边说边搬面瓮、粮缸、油罐子,将米面油盐全部装车运走,连收据也不打一张。因为“军事化”,讲绝对服从,阖家妇女孩子只能睡眼惺松地呆望着,不敢乱吭 Big radish, high yield, resistance to storage, Jiaodong farmers main course of winter and spring. Three years of economic difficulties, “melon dishes on behalf of” radish dinner: radish soup, radish, clear water boiled radish, three meals a day does not change, eat people pale yellow, whole body fatigue. Until 40 years later, I smell the green smell of radish silk disgusting. One night in the autumn of 1958, according to the county’s strategic deployment of relevant departments, the county unified action. His grandfather was informed to go to the village to open the meeting, the venue closed, only allowed to go out not allowed, all night did not return. In the wee hours, a group of motivated flocks burst into the air and swarmed into groups of enthusiastic activists who said they wanted to live a communist life and organize canteens. In a few days, they also needed collective accommodation. Said side to move face urn, grain tank, tank, the rice noodles all the oil loaded away, not even a receipt. Because of the “militarization” and absolute obedience, the whole family women and children can only stare at their sleepy eyes and dare not chaos
加强力度是个宝,样样工作都强调,时髦口号大声喊,管它干得好不好规章制度一边抛,加强力度才是招,只要口号震天响,换来荣誉步步高。 Strengthen the intensity is a treasur
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山东省潍坊市在农村社区普遍建设服务中心,设立“一站式”综合性服务大厅,越来越多的农村居民享受到农村社区建设带来的实惠,生活质量普遍得到了提高 Weifang City, Shandon
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