服从大局 深化改革——加强国防后备力量建设

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1988年在加快和深化改革的号角声中来到了。值此辞旧迎斩之际,本刊编辑部特向战斗在闪防后备力量战线的广大人武干部、专武干部、民兵和预备役人员拜年,并致亲切的问候! 我们欣慰地看到,竞的十一届三中全会以来,我国国防后备力量建设坚持调整改革,实行指导思想的战略性转变,确立民兵与预备役相结合的制度,取得了很大的成绩。减少了基干民兵数量,专业技术兵比例大大提高;训练逐步走向基地化、规范化;武器装备全部实现国产制式化;陆续组建的 In 1988 came the horn of speeding up and deepening the reform. On the occasion of the welcome of this speech, the editorial department of the editorial particularly wishes to greet the vast majority of the people and armed cadres, special forces cadres, militiamen and reservists who fought in the front of the flash-backup forces and extend my cordial greetings. We are gratified to see that, Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the building of our national defense reserve forces has made great achievements in adhering to the adjustment and reform, implementing the strategic transformation of the guiding ideology, and establishing the system of integrating the militia and reserve forces. The number of backbone militiamen has been reduced and the proportion of professional and technical soldiers has risen greatly. The training has gradually moved towards the base and standardization; the weaponry and equipment have all been institutionalized domestically; one after another
[“述”材展示]  静以修身,俭以养德。 ——诸葛亮  历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭败由奢。 ——李商隐  一粥一饭,当思来之不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰。 ——朱伯庐  节俭与勤勉是人类两个名医。 ——卢梭  [ 运用方向]  1.节俭可以培养良好品德。它让我们学会克制,控制自己的欲望,自觉抵制骄奢淫逸,以简单平和的心态面对生活。  2.勤俭能使国家昌盛,而奢侈腐败会使国家灭亡。李商隐的这句诗将个人
Mianzi is an important and interesting word in Mandarin Chinese which has evolved into a synonym for“dignity”and even beyond that from its literal meaning.It
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