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随着一个新世纪的到来,中医药事业面临着发展与挑战。作为信息前沿的中医医院图书馆,原有的办馆模式和观念,正承受着巨大的冲击。如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,实现图书馆建设的现代化,是中医医院图书馆所面临的重大课题。1 更新思想观念,转换办馆模式 中医是我国古老而优秀的文化遗产。它的教育模式衍生于师承传授,家学渊源。并且,过去的一些老中医生,多遵从中医古籍,崇尚承祖,闭关自守,难与同时代的自然科学技术相融通,因此,中医发展比较缓慢。由于受这种传统的中医学模式的影响,中医医院图书馆的办馆模式也存在着保守、封闭的倾向,办馆方式单一,馆藏文献结构狭窄,服务手段简单。这种落后的办馆模式,严重制约着图书馆的发展。同时,也严重阻碍着其知识和信息前沿作用的有效发挥。因此,转换中医医院 With the advent of a new century, the cause of Chinese medicine is facing development and challenges. As the forefront of Chinese medicine hospital library information, the original mode and concept of office is under tremendous impact. How to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges and realize the modernization of the library construction is an important issue that the Chinese medicine hospital library faces. 1 update the concept of thinking, conversion model hall Chinese medicine is our country’s ancient and outstanding cultural heritage. Its educational model is derived from Shij Cheng, family history. Moreover, some of the old Chinese doctors in the past have followed ancient Chinese medicine books more often, advocated progenitor Zu and maintained their autonomy in interdependence. This makes it difficult for them to integrate with the natural science and technology of their own time. Therefore, the development of Chinese medicine is relatively slow. Due to the traditional Chinese medicine model, there is also a conservative and closed tendencies in the library model of TCM hospitals, with a single mode of holding a library, a narrow structure of the collection of documents, and a simple service method. This backward mode of operation of the library seriously restricts the development of the library. At the same time, it has also seriously hindered the effective development of the frontier role of knowledge and information. Therefore, the conversion of Chinese medicine hospital
目的 探讨单纯白内障超声乳化手术以及白内障超声乳化手术联合房角粘连分离术治疗原发性闭角型青光眼的效果.方法 原发性闭角型青光眼合并年龄相关性白内障患者52例(60眼),随
为了使氨纶丝饼在客户的使用过程中能顺利退绕,生产过程中已经给丝线表面上了油剂.在FZ/T 54010-2006标准里,氨纶油剂含量的质量指标为(M3±2.0)%,相应的测试方法是GB/T6504-2
目的 采用CT三维重建成像技术在骨盆骨折中的应用价值.方法 回归性分析30例骨盆外伤患者的螺旋CT影像资料并行CT三维重建,进行三维成像处理,并比较之间的异同.结果 采用CT重