Comparison of the Thermomagnetic and Thermal Effects duringNanocrystallization of Amorphous Fe_(76.5

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lipeng632
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The results of thermomagnetic (TM) and calorimetric (DSC) measurements have been compared in order to clarify some details of the mechanism of nanophase-formation from Finemet-type precursors with different Nb contents. It was found that the main features of the DSC thermograms (shape, relative separation and amplitude of the exothermic peaks characteristic for the precipitation of the Fe-(Si) solid solution and the transition metal borides) depend mainly on the composition of the precursor glass, and are only slightly affected by the heating rate between 20 and 80 K/min. The amplitude of the uprise of the magnetization in the TM curves (attributed to the precipitation of bcc-Fe(Si) and borides) decreases with increasing Nb-content. The Curietemperature of the precursor glasses. Tc(am1), the remainder amorphous phases, Tc(am2) and the bcc nanophase, Tc(n-Fe) are determined from the thermomagnetic curves. The shape of the TM curves is interpreted on the basis of the reactions describing the crystalIization of the hypo-eutectic Fe-B glasses. The results of thermomagnetic (TM) and calorimetric (DSC) measurements have been compared in order to clarify some details of the mechanism of nanophase-formation from Finemet-type precursors with different Nb contents. It was found that the main features of the DSC thermograms (shape, relative separation and amplitude of the exothermic peaks characteristic for the precipitation of the Fe- (Si) solid solution and the transition metal borides depend mainly on the composition of the precursor glass, and are only slightly affected by the heating rate between 20 and 80 K / min. The amplitude of the uprise of the magnetization in the TM curves (attributed to the precipitation of bcc-Fe (Si) and borides) decreases with increasing Nb-content. The Curietemperature of the precursor glasses. Tc ( am1), the remainder amorphous phases, Tc (am2) and the bcc nanophase, Tc (n-Fe) are determined from the thermomagnetic curves. The shape of the TM curves is interpreted on the basis of the current the crystalIization of the hypo-eutectic Fe-B glasses.
目的 为第二跗跖部分关节移植重建拇腕掌关节提供解剖学基础.方法30侧红色乳胶灌注的成人下肢标本,解剖观测第二跗跖关节背侧血供起源、走行、分支分布及吻合.结果第二跗跖关节有明显的多源性供血特点,其背侧血供源于以下动脉:足背动脉2~6支,第一跖背动脉1~3支,第二跖背动脉3~6支,弓状动脉3~7支,跗外侧动脉2~5支.上述动脉的骨膜支外径在0.1~1.0 mm之间,在第二跗跖关节周围吻合成骨膜动脉网.
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邵燕祥的《政治·功利·友谊》(载《读书》一九九四年第三期),谈到沈从文和丁玲一九四九年初的会面:“当时沈被判为‘反动文人’,丁玲则风头甚健,据说这次会见,丁玲还拉了何其芳作陪,可惜谁都没有留下纪录。”其实,有一位旁观者在多年之后记下了这次会见的情景。记录者是沈从文幼子沈虎雏。  这次会见对沈从文来说非常重要,因他正在苦闷和绝望的深渊里。他不能理解世事的急剧变化。在北京大学,他成了受批判的“粉红色作
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