利用手机聊天或者收发短消息是每个手机一族都经常使用的功能,因而,如何快速输入汉字备受手机用户的关注。本期就给大家介绍将汉字方便、快捷输入到手机的方法和注意事项。 1.设置和切换手机的输入法 爱立信T系列手机提供了123数字、ABC英文、笔画输
The use of mobile phone chatting or sending and receiving short messages are frequently used by each phone family, so how to quickly input Chinese characters has attracted the attention of mobile phone users. This issue will give you a brief introduction of Chinese characters to facilitate and quickly enter the phone’s methods and precautions. 1. Set and switch the phone’s input method Ericsson T series phones provide 123 numbers, ABC English, stroke