
来源 :中国画画刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jematrix
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我的画:我的创作题材主要取材于江南水乡,注重挖掘日常生活中常被人忽略或少有人表现的一些场景和物件。无论是人物画还是花鸟画,我常采用写实中略带夸张的手法,形象塑造既注重造型又重视笔墨线条;色彩运用既讲究素雅又力求丰富;画面构造既追求轻松自然和随意流动的感觉,又注重意境的拓展,形成自己独特的笔墨程式,使作品具有更大的想象空间,以达到和观者的共识共鸣。 My paintings: My creative themes are mainly drawn from the rivers and lakes in the south of Yangtze River. They focus on the excavation of scenes and objects often overlooked or rarely seen in daily life. No matter portrait painting or flower and bird painting, I often adopt the slightly exaggerated approach in realistic writing. The image shaping emphasizes not only the shape but also the pen and ink lines. The use of color emphasizes both elegance and richness. The picture structure not only pursues the feeling of relaxed and free flowing, But also pay attention to the expansion of artistic conception, forming its own unique pen and ink program, so that the work has more imagination, so as to achieve consensus with the audience.
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Based on the characteristics of the coalfield geology and the distribution of coalbed methane (CBM) in China,the geological conditions for exploiting the CBM a
我对梦想的理解是:不知从何时开始,但确定永远不会结束。  偶尔我也会问自己,是从什么时候起对唱歌产生了兴趣。可能是小时候爸爸总用录音机播放旧磁带,我听多了就喜欢上了唱歌。那种喜欢的感觉,在听到周杰伦的歌时,变得异常清晰。从喜欢歌到喜欢人,再到想要成为那样的歌手,这些都是慢慢出现的想法。  小时候的我很普通,如果我想像周杰伦那样出色的话,必须学会很多东西。回想做练习生的日子,好像并没有别人描述的那么
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锂硒电池是一种基于硒与锂发生多电子氧化还原反应原理工作的能量存储装置,理论质量比容量为675 mAh g~(-1)、理论体积比容量为3254 mAh cm-3,因而被认为是一种有前景的高比能量二次电池体系。然而,该电池正极存在活性物质利用率低、充放电过程中体积变化大、循环稳定性变差、库伦效率低以及电子电导率和离子传输速率相对较低等问题。利用多孔碳材料的导电骨架、丰富孔隙和高比表面积等优势,将其作为
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