Thoughts on Strategic Development of China's Refractories I ndustry

来源 :China's Refractories | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PoolD
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For China ’ s refractories industry, the first two decades in the new century would be a period of structural optimization with reorganization of refractories enterprises, reconstruction of manufacturing plants and restructuring of product varieties. An important strategic measure should be to develop high quality synthetic raw materials and high performance functional products mainly based on our rich natural resources to cope with new demands of advanced high temperature technologies. For China ’s refractories industry, the first two decades in the new century would be a period of structural optimization with reorganization of refractories enterprises, reconstruction of manufacturing plants and restructuring of product varieties. An important strategic measure should be to develop high quality synthetic raw materials and high performance functional products mainly based on our rich natural resources to cope with new demands of advanced high temperature technologies.
序号用户单位产 品 规 格套数流程形式1江苏索普 (集团 )有限公司 60 0 0m3/h (氧 )带氩 1填料上塔、全精馏制氩 (增 )2本溪北营炼钢股份有限公司 60 0 0m3/h (氧 )带氩 1填料
生产业绩 :用户单位名称产 品 规 格套数浙江临安气体有限公司KDON 3 5 0 /80 0型 1富阳三山气体有限公司KDON 3 5 0 /80 0型 1安徽氯碱化工集团有限责任公司KDON 3 5 0 /
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